35 Perler Bead Patterns Small

Perler Bead Designs, Patterns and Ideas • Color Made Happy
Perler Bead Designs, Patterns and Ideas • Color Made Happy from colormadehappy.com

Perler Bead Patterns Small


Perler beads, also known as fuse beads, are small plastic beads that can be arranged and melted together to create beautiful designs. These beads come in various sizes, but in this article, we will focus on perler bead patterns that are small in size. Small perler bead patterns are perfect for creating intricate designs and can be used for a variety of crafts, such as keychains, earrings, and magnets. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced perler bead enthusiast, these small patterns offer a fun and challenging project to try.

1. Choosing the Right Bead Size

Before getting started, it is important to choose the right bead size for your small perler bead patterns. The most common bead sizes are mini (2.6mm) and regular (5mm). For small patterns, mini beads are recommended as they allow for more detail and precision. However, if you prefer larger designs or have limited dexterity, regular beads can also be used.

2. Gathering the Materials

To create small perler bead patterns, you will need the following materials:

  • Mini perler beads
  • Perler bead pegboards
  • Parchment paper or ironing paper
  • An iron
  • Tweezers (optional)
  • Pattern template or graph paper (optional)

3. Finding Small Pattern Inspiration

There are countless sources of inspiration for small perler bead patterns. You can find patterns online, in craft books, or even create your own designs. Websites like Pinterest and Etsy offer a wide range of free and paid patterns for small perler bead projects. Additionally, you can explore social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where many talented perler bead artists share their creations and provide step-by-step tutorials.

4. Planning Your Design

Once you have found your desired pattern, it is essential to plan your design before you start placing the beads. You can either print out the pattern template or use graph paper to sketch out the design. This step will help you visualize the final result and ensure that you have all the necessary bead colors.

5. Sorting and Organizing Beads

Before you begin placing the beads, it is helpful to sort and organize them by color. This step will save you time and make the process more enjoyable. You can use small containers or bead organizers to keep the beads separated. Labeling each container with the corresponding color will make it easier to find the beads you need as you work on the pattern.

6. Placing the Beads

Now it's time to start placing the beads on the pegboard according to your planned design. Use tweezers if you find it challenging to pick up the small beads with your fingers. Take your time and be patient, especially when working on intricate details. Remember to refer to your pattern template or graph paper to ensure accuracy.

7. Melting the Beads

Once you have finished placing all the beads, it's time to melt them together. Place a piece of parchment paper or ironing paper over the bead design. Set your iron to a medium heat setting and carefully iron over the paper in a circular motion for about 10-20 seconds. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure or leave the iron in one spot for too long, as this may cause the beads to melt unevenly or warp the pegboard.

8. Removing the Design from the Pegboard

After you have melted the beads, allow them to cool for a few minutes. Once cooled, carefully remove the design from the pegboard. If the beads are still slightly warm or not fully fused, you can place a heavy book or object on top of the design to help flatten it. Avoid bending or manipulating the design until it has completely cooled and hardened.

9. Finishing Touches

Once your small perler bead pattern is fully cooled and hardened, you can add any finishing touches or decorations. This could include gluing a pinback or earring post for jewelry pieces, attaching a magnet for a fridge magnet, or adding a keyring for a keychain. Get creative and personalize your design to make it truly unique.

10. Displaying and Caring for Your Perler Bead Creations

Once your small perler bead pattern is complete, you may want to display it or give it as a gift. You can frame the design in a shadow box, attach it to a canvas, or simply place it on a shelf or desk. To keep your perler bead creations in good condition, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for extended periods as this may cause the colors to fade. Additionally, avoid placing heavy objects on top of the designs to prevent them from getting crushed or damaged.


Creating small perler bead patterns is a rewarding and enjoyable craft that allows you to unleash your creativity. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced perler bead enthusiast, these small patterns offer a wide range of possibilities. From intricate jewelry pieces to adorable keychains, the options are endless. So gather your materials, find some inspiration, and start creating beautiful designs with small perler beads today!

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